Friday, August 3, 2012

Under the full moon

I don't know whether statistics back it up but folk lore has it that strange things happen under the full moon. I was out in the wee hours last night and caught some strange apparitions.

(SOOC:  10-22mm  f5.6  120sec  ISO200)


Bitch said...

What a strange photograph.
Three men out of space...

Amelia said...

Hi Rick, sorry I'm very naughty didn't follow your advise to unplug all electronic gadgets. Seem like can't live without electronic gadgets. LOL

Your apparitions picture caught my attention, so I decide to cut short my hiatus vacation to drop by your blog to have a look. :)

Very strange capture and BTW how come you not sleeping but wandering outside during the wee hours? Going for your exercise?

Have a nice weekend, regards.

Cloudy said...

Solche Erscheinungen sind schon seltsam, doch man hört immer mal wieder davon, nicht nur bei Vollmond, es ist auf jeden Fall sehr mysthisch...

Servus und so long

imac said...

Yeah yeah Rick, well placed and captured my friend.

Just retuned from 2 weeks cruise around the Baltics

Lúcia said...

Hehehe, straight from the darkness!
Have a good weekend Rick! ;-)

Marty said...

de mystérieuses apparitions en short dans un champ ! oh oh !!! tu leur a parlé ??
je te souhaite un super weekend Rick
bisous extra terrestres !

Stephanie said...

Very cool shot and questioning how you did this treatment?

Teté M. Jorge said...

Really? Is this not mounting?
I really wonder...

I was a little faint, but I'm back...

Have a wonderful weekend, honey.
Warm hugs, flowers and love...

P.S. - Spring begins on September 21 in Brasil, but many flowers are appearing now in the winter.

Cheri said...

Cool photo Rick!

klea said...

strange silhouettes in the middle of the night ! I'll stay at home now during the full moon

joyce said...

Police and psychiatric wards both back up the full moon theory.
If you would've taken those photos 30 years ago, they would be world-famous proof of ghosts! As it is, I too am wondering how you did it.

greggo said...

so you built it and they came. what next?

Amelia said...

Hi Rick, drop by to wish you HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Have a nice weekend, regards.

becky said...

My first thought is "Field of Dreams."

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...


Here I Am Carrie said...

I love what you did here. I have yet to try something like this. Very scary looking.