Friday, August 26, 2011

Country evening

Although it missed Florida, we got out of Irene's path and made it back to a more temperate climate this week. Our hopes are that at worst Irene's fury will be spent at sea and that the eastern seaboard will be spared significant damage.

In contrast to the wild images coming out of the Bahamas, Sasha and I went out for a short ride last evening in the tranquility of the countryside near our home.

(all shots made with a 10-22mm lens, at either f11 or f14, ISO200, and shutter speeds ranging from 1/2 to 6 seconds)


Here I Am Carrie said...

Rick I just love these. Wonderful clouds and landscapes all in one. Would make some lovely wall photos. Have a wonderful weekend.

Katherine said...

Hiya Rick... I'm so glad to hear that you got away before Irene's unwanted arrival. It looks quite scary from what I've been watching on the internet. I pray that it spends itself at sea as well. These photos are amazing as always..the last one in particular has such great depth of perception..I loved them all!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Really great landscape/skyscape images, Rick!

My name is Riet said...

Weer prachtige foto's Rick. Goed dat je uit de buurt van Irene bent gegaan. Ik hoop dat het allemaal goed gaat aflopen. Fijn weekend!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great shots.Are they done in HDR?

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Rick you've outdone yourself! I especially love the one in the middle with the colorful foreground!

Thank goodness you've gotten out of Irene's path!

Teté M. Jorge said...

Sometimes I become repetitive with the words... but what about pictures always so beautiful? You're unique in nature photography and knows how to build strength and words of life.
Have a wonderful weekend, honey!
A warm hug, happiness and sweet beijos.

Marty said...

quelle belle promenade Rick ! les paysages sont superbes et les nuages fantastiques ! impressionnants sur la première image ! j'aime ces images !
je suis la progression d'Irene (toujours des noms de femme !!
oh là là !!!) à la TV ! j'espère aussi qu'elle ne fera pas trop de dégâts ! je te souhaite un joli week end et je t'envoie une tornade de bisous ! merci pour tes mots toujours tellement gentils sur mon blog, je les aime et ils me remplissent de joie !

Arti said...

Hi Rick,
These are magical pics...
Almost surreal and heavenly...
You are a tremendous photographer!
Have a fabulous weekend:)

Michelle said...

An exceptional series of photos. The first one is my favorite.

Lisa Gordon said...

These are truly phenomenal images Rick, and your processing adds so much beauty to already beautiful photographs. So nicely done!!

imac said...

Beautiful Rick, great job my friend.

Fábio Martins said...

Wonderful views. They are HDR's?

BESANA.(Isabel/María) said...

Rick,es usted un excelente profesional de la fotografía, son preciosas.......Muchas gracias por visitarme.

Hasta pronto!

trump said...

Just saying hello and hoping that everyone is safe during hurricane Irene's journey through the northeast. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,pa.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Your clouds are wonderful. Here in the Ohio Valley Irene is sending us some gray clouds, but no ill breeze. My trip to NYC on Monday may be cancelled, though.

joey said...

Amazing shots, Rick!

Romantik Seelchen said...

Hi Rick, this beautiful photos, the clouds are only but a breath to the image as a fixed landscape,
the first photo very nice!
viele Grüße Jasmin

Karin / Southern Meadows said...

Very impressive shots!

darlin said...

Rick I'm glad to hear that you're back home safe and sound!

Your shots are stunning, I feel like I can crawl right into them, put myself right into the photo. I love HDR, your perspective is unbelievable and the combination of the two sure brings the shots to life. Amazing work Rick!

I have the urge to head out to the country now, too bad I don't have the time to do so.

Have a fantastic Sunday my friend!

pumpkydine said...

Very nice Rick! I love the clouds in the 1st, old rusty fence contrasting with the golden rods in the 2nd and the long straight road heading toward the far away light in the clouds in the 3rd pic.
Simple pictures yet thought evoking.

Tim said...

Beautiful landscape and sky views! Here in Eastern PA, we got lots of rain but damage levels could have been far worse.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Love the processing on these, Rick. Glad you were in a better location. Hope you have a good wek.

Dagmar said...

Uhhgggg I already was in love with Canada but you've hit the sore spot again my friend.

Ik wil verhuiiiiizen. Wat een pracht plaatjes.
Fijn om je weer heerlijk bezig te zien en er met Sascha op uit te trekken.
Hugs Dagmar

Anonymous said...

dear friend, I love to come here and see your wonderful pictures, it makes me think about how nature is beautiful and a gift from God.

I hope everything is fine with you and your family about the crazy weather I can see from TV News.



Rick said...

Thank you, Carrie. I might just follow up on your suggestion ;-)

Thank you, Katherine - looks like prayers were answered as Irene didn't wreak quite the havoc that was expected (although more than 20 people still lost their lives). Thank you for your kind words. I hope your week has started well.

Thank you very much, Laura !

Dank je wel, Riet, Ja, alles is goed afgelopen - 't is beter gegaan dan ze verwacht hadden. Fijne week !

Franja said...

Unos cielos espectaculares!!!

Rick said...

Thank you, Ruth. Yes, every once in a while I dabble in HDR (using Photomatix).

Hi Kyria, and thank you ! That middle one was taken in front of a field of goldenrod (which we have plenty of !).

Teca - thank you for your always encouraging words. I appreciate your visits and friendship - hugs and many beijos ! (I will visit soon if my internet allows).

Bonjour Marty, et merci ! We were glad to have escaped Irene - she did leave us some wonderful scenes though (by the way - men's names are also being used alternately but it seems to be the women who do the damage ?). I hope your week is made more wonderful with the bisous I send !

Rick said...

Hi Arti - nice to hear from you again. Thank you for your very kind words; I hope your week is going well !

Thank you, Farmchick - I too love the country !

Thank you, Lisa - I've been experimenting with HDR on occasion.

Thanks, Stewart (I hope to cross the pond tonight if my internet allows !).

Obrigado, Soraia !

Rick said...

Thank you, Fábio - yes, a little experimentation with HDR (using Photomatix).

Gracias tanto, Isabel ! I appreciate your visit and very nice comment !

Hello Richard - thanks for your visit and best wishes. Fortunately we weren't impacted much here by Irene.

Hi Nellie - thank you. I'm sure your trip was postponed given the transit shutdown in NYC - hope you made it out a little later.

Thank you very much, joey !

Rick said...

Guten Abend Jasmin, und danke ! I hope all goes well with you. Hertzliche Grüße von Rick !

Thank you, Karin ! (I hope to be over to visit and catch up soon but am still struggling with a VERY slow internet connection).

Hi Darlene - your words are always an inspiration to me - thank you ! (I haven't been able to visit in the evening since my download connection is SO slow. They're sending someone out - again - but I don't have my hopes up). I hope you're doing well and I'm sure you're gearing up for the next semester. Have a great rest-of-the-week !

Thank you Randy. I think I'm learning to find beauty in the simple everyday scenes of life - one doesn't always need to visit exotic locations.

Rick said...

Hello again Tim, and thank you for your nice words. Glad you escaped significant damage from Irene !

Thank you kindly, Laura. I'm still learning what can be done with HDR - interesting effects for sure. I hope your week is going well.

Hallo Dag. Ja, 't is een prachtig land, maar dat kan ik ook makkelijk van Nederland zeggen - daar mag ik ook graag plaatjes van zien. Als je niet verhuizen kan, kom hier maar kijken ;-) Fijne donderdag !

Hi Su - your visits are much appreciated - we share a love of creation and the Creator. I value your friendship and thank you for your uplifting words. We were certainly not in danger from Irene - thank you for your concern. I hope all is well with you and yours.

Gracias, Franja !

Saz said...

Wow Rick, those are some pretty stunning photo's.

Dawn said...

Rick! These are absolutely STUNNING! That first one would be beautiful framed....

becky said...

Your photography just keeps getting better & better... if that is possible. It looks like you are not as lazy as me & actually set up a tripod to get some of these shots. Nice job. The 1st & last look almost surreal.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

Works of art indeed!

Rick said...

Catching up on comments ...

Thank you, Saz !

I'm considering it for a photo book. Thanks, Dawn.

Thanks, Becky. Yes, I took the tripod along so I could get some raw shots for use in HDR, which can create some nice effects on the sky.

Thank you, Jeanne !