Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Sunset Serenity

"There is such a thing as taking ourselves and the world too seriously, or at any rate too anxiously. 

Half of the secular unrest and dismal, profane sadness of modern society comes from the vain idea that every man is bound to be a critic of life, and to let no day pass without finding some fault with the general order of things, or projecting some plan for its general improvement. 

And the other half comes from the greedy notion that a man's life does consist, after all, in the abundance of things that he possesses, and that it is, somehow or other, more respectable and pious to be always at work trying to make a larger living, than it is to lie on your back in the green pastures and beside the still waters, and thank God that you are alive.”   
Henry Van Dyke

(10-22mm  f11  1/60 sec  ISO200)


Michelle said...

Great words

pumpkydine said...

What a way to end a day! WOW! The sunset is beautiful enough but the reflection just adds a certain serenity with the perfect stillness of the water. You have a way of capturing wonderful reflections. Great opening also.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Seems those times to just lie and be thankful, are hard to come by. A sunset like this reminds me to do so.

Bitch said...

These words are the only and true.
There is nothing bigger, than just to lie down and to see and listen to the beautiful

Carolyn Ford said...

very appropriate title for this beauty! awesome, Rick!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful! THis picture evokes peace and calmness , something that is much needed in our day and age.

Dawn said...

These are great and beautiful is your capture.
And believe me...I have been trying to ship you at least half of our rain- but you know the postal service;);)

Cloudia said...

Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >

darlin said...

I'll take the green pastures and still waters any day of the week over a new vehicle or something I don't need. These are powerful amazing words, thank you for sharing this reality check!

Your photo is stunning, you seriously need to get published one day my friend, you're that good! You inspire the heck right outta me My aim is to one day take photos that take my breath away all the time like yours to do me, mine only do some times but I can see how far I've come over this past few years as well. In about 30 years I just might be able to hold a candle up to you! LOL

Take care and have an amazing week!

Marty said...

des mots justes et une image à couper le souffle une nouvelle fois !
je te souhaite une belle semaine Rick et je te remercie pour tes words si gentils ! j'aime quand tu écris en mélangeant le français et l'anglais : c'est drôle !!!
les bisous aujourd'hui sont un peu frais et plein de gouttes de pluie !

imac said...

Here Here Rick, most profound post my friend - not only that but with great photos too.
We are here but for a very short time, so enjoy while we can ,my friend.

Fábio Martins said...

Extraordinary capture

becky said...

Hi Rick,
such lovely & true words to go with your beautiful sunset. I would much rather lie on my back in the green pastures, thanking God I am alive then working to "have more." In fact, I would do it all the time if I didn't have to at least work to pay the rent!

Saz said...

I love the colours in this photo. It is so lovely! I think the quote you've put is pretty amazing too.

Soraia Brito said...


It's my father's dog :D

Here I Am Carrie said...

Very profound words for a very beautiful photo.

Romantik Seelchen said...

ja Rick, "what man has, he does not want, and what he wants, he has not"
That's always been like this ... ..
viele Grüße, have a nice weekend with sunshine


Rick said...

Thank you Farmchick.

Thanks Randy - I never tire of sunsets and use every opportunity to capture some more shots.

You're right, Elizabeth - sometimes we just need the reminder to do so. Hope you find/make the time this weekend.

I agree, Monika - nothing soothes the soul as well.

Rick said...

Thank you Carolyn !

Thanks Ruth - the world wouldn't be quite as mad if we all took time like this.

I knew I'd found an appropriate quote as soon as I read this one; thanks Dawn. About the rain - maybe you could try Fedex (?) LoL

Aloha Cloudia !

Rick said...

Hi Darlene - yep, a car just brings headaches and we all have too much stuff which bogs down our lives. But a little rest along calm waters works wonders. Thank you for your kind words. You photograph real life as you see it everyday - and you do it real well ! Have a wonderful weekend !

Bonjour Marty, et merci ! Ha ha - I think it's great to be able to mix English and Français - makes things un peu more interesting, non ? I hope your weekend is off to a good start with some bisous from me pour toi !

Thank you Stewart ! Yes, we are here for s short time and we must make the most of it while keeping the important stuff at the top of the list.

Obrigado, Fábio !

Rick said...

Thank you, Becky, and your words are so true - work will always be required for the essentials; it's the rest that leaves us chasing after the wind.

Thank you very much, Saz. I hope you're having an awesome weekend !

Thank you, Soraia ! And that's a beautiful dog that your father has.

Thank you very much Carrie - it struck me too as soon as I read it.

So true, Jasmin ! Nice to hear from you. Many wishes for a lovely weekend in Deutschland !

Lisa Gordon said...

What a gorgeous shot this is Rick!
Such beautiful light and color.

Tiago Braga said...

Olá, infelizmente o que me traz aqui hoje não é o facto de vir visitar o teu blog e deixar a minha marca respectiva a este seu post, peço desculpa por isso. Assim sendo venho aqui hoje, para o(a) avisar que descobri recentemente que alguém criou uma conta falsa utilizando os meus dados, não ficando contente e satisfeita com a situação a pessoa usou a conta para destabilizar o bem estar de outros utilizadores, a conta so era utilizada para insultar e molestar as pessoas. Venho por isso dizer lhe que se foi alvo de algum comentário menos bom, feio por alguém que usava os meus dados e a minha foto de perfil, este alguém não fui eu! Não sabia disso, não dei permissão para a criação da conta assim como não aprovo nem autorizo tudo o que foi feito! A única conta que tenho, sendo a única que é verdadeira é esta por onde lhe contacto, as outras são falsas ignore! Visite sempre o meu blog, será sempre bem vindo!

Rick said...

Thank you Lisa !

Tiago - good that this issue is now resolved !

Katherine said...

Couldn't agree with these words more! You certainly are one of the latter people that Henry Van Dyke speaks of. You are one whom lays his eyes upon, opens his heart to & soaks up and in all the beauty that surrounds.... and your photos and blog are solid proof of that. Yet another beautiful sunset!

Rick said...

I appreciate your kind words, Katherine ! For some reason, our backyard is blessed with wonderful cloud formations that create many unique sunsets - and I never tire of them.