I was sitting on the front porch early this evening. The air was very calm - it had been windy the past 2 days - and the fragrance of the flowers wafted up. That spurred me to go get a vase and cut some flowers from another part of the garden. As I brought them in to the kitchen, the sunlight streaming through the window caught the inside of one of the blooms. I knew then what my subject would be - capturing the light inside as it made the colours come alive. It's simply amazing how intricate these flowers were created and yet we're told that we're worth vastly more than one of these!
(60mm f32 2 sec ISO200)
(60mm f16 2 sec ISO200)
Astounding photos of the lily Rick, what awesome lighting! Oh and welcome home!
wow, that is gorgeous lighting! They absolutely glow! Beautiful!
@darlin - thanks Darlene; good to be back & busy trying to catch up! You know your flowers :-)
@Carolyn Ford - perfect late day sunlight. Thanks Carolyn!
The second photo would be a great wall-picture!!!
superb; bravo
I LOVE that colour, Rick! It's like the juicy inside of a ripe mango!
The lighting is really catchy on that second shot. They're really both great shots; happy and uplifting!
great eye to catch that rick.
they turned out magnificently.
and that second one is so close and soooo clear.
did you use a tripod or is that hand held?
Light is everything.....well almost everything. Great light can either make or break an image. This is lovely, and the flower and your camera captured the light perfectly!
These are stunning images.Yes,we are worth so much more than the most beautiful flower.
@CarreraCaballo - thank you Joseph; I'm going to be printing some of my photos so I'll include this one. Hope your week is going well!
@sebi_2569 - thank you!
@Krista - well, mango wasn't the first thing that crossed my mind, but yes, I can see it. The colour was created by the sunlight falling on the flower - created an 'aha' moment ;-)
Thanks Krista.
@chasity - thanks Chas - I was enchanted by the colour but the sunlight changes so quickly I had to work fast to capture it. I did use a tripod - I find for macros it does a much better job - except for those awkward places where I just can't get in there with a tripod (this wasn't one of them).
@Karen - thank you Karen - I appreciate your comments and encouragement.
@Ruth's Photo Blog - thank you Ruth! Right place, right time.
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