Saturday, July 24, 2010

(Day 205) Digging rock

No, not the musical variety, although I am a fan. Along the route to my son's place there's an old abandoned quarry. You can just see it briefly over the double-barbed wire fence in a spot where the edge is close to the road, before it's hidden from view again by tall weeds and scrub brush. I've caught that glimpse many times and have often wondered what was down there and whether it was accessible.

You know the drill by now - today was the day to go and see. I parked on the opposite side and walked along the road looking for access. Climbing the barbed wire-topped fence didn't look appealing and I wasn't sure there was a way down. However, I'm sure the fence was only meant to keep out the less persistent. Presently I came to a large gate. Thinking it must lead to a way down, I climbed it and carefully made my way through weeds that were as tall as me. To my right there appeared to be an old access road and I pushed through the weeds and made my way to the bottom.

I thought I'd post some photos in b&w and others in colour to give you an idea of what was there. I don't know the history of the quarry, but given the large number of old stone homes in the area, built by the more affluent, it's conceivable that the quarry supplied the material for them. Given what I've found on our property, rock could have been dug here just as well.

Note: all photos were shot with an 18-55mm lens with an aperture of f14 (for depth of field), at shutter speeds of 1/10 to 1/100 sec, ISO400.

Sample of rock quarried here:

timber from an old building ?

There was evidence that the quarry had seen use as a dump:

The walls were a bit imposing from the bottom. Not the sort that rock climbers would appreciate, I suspect. And I certainly wouldn't have entertained the thought of climbing down - glad I didn't fall over!


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

What a great find.Now if only those rocks could talk,they would have quite the stories to tell,I'm sure.

Scott Law said...

It amazes me that you have time to get and process and post several photos each day and write so much to go with it. Just great. OBTW, several people who commented on my "Monochrome Lake" post for Phun Phriday! wondered how it was done, so I posted a tutorial on it today. If you're interested just click here. Thanks for dropping by and your comment.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you went on quite an adventure, climbing over fences and things!
I really like shot number 1.

['ô ] Avery

darlin said...

Don't you just love summer and the adventures which go along with it? Great find and wonderful shots Rick!

My name is Riet said...

Great pictures Rick. Very special with those rocks.

S. Etole said...

I like the texture and the tones in the rocks ...

Unknown said...

All of them are keepers, I love the ruggedness :-)



imac said...

What a true Photographer Rick.

Chad said...

There are a few places I've wanted to venture to,but I keep saying"next week". Glad you finally took the time,you captured some nice shots. My favorite is the shot up tin can.

Rick said...

@Ruth's Photo Blog - I think you're right Ruth - would be some fascinating history.

Have a great week.

Rick said...

@Scott - well, I AM learning to get by on less sleep since I started this project ;-) I guess I've always been a bit 'driven' and find it hard to settle for 'second best'. I think the key though is that I like a challenge and am enjoying this one - although there are some tough days trying to come up with something a bit unique and to create an interesting photo with it.

I did check out your 'how you did it' but I don't know, nor have, Photoshop. yet. (on my Christmas wish list)

Thanks for your comments Scott.

Rick said...

@Photog Ave - ha, never a dull moment ;-) I don't like to leave too many stones unturned either (pardon the pun). Thanks Avery - hope your summer's been awesome so far!

Rick said...

@darlin - sure do! If I had more time I'd like to chase a few more adventures ... we'll see. Thanks Darlene.

Rick said...

@Riet - dank u wel. Ik kom je blog van de week opzoeken - 't is al laat en dinsdag vroeg moeten we reizen. Fijne week.

Rick said...

@S. Etole - thank you Susan; I found it a fascinating place.

Rick said...

@CarreraCaballo - no soft landing if you fell there! Thanks Joseph.

Rick said...

@imac - thank you mac - from one to another!

Rick said...

@Chad - that's happened to me several times, and quite often I'd end up saying "mañana". Then I finally decide to do it - and wonder why I hadn't done it much sooner. Thanks for stopping by Chad - appreciate your comments.

Unknown said...

I bet you - LOL

