Thursday, August 12, 2010

(Day 224) No touch ... just look

A few weeks ago I posted a couple of shots of a rather prickly plant we have in the backyard. In some places it grows in profusion, but I've only found one in our yard - it's now at a height of about 5', since it's the only specimen, so I haven't treated it as a weed. I had promised to post a shot when it bloomed - that day arrived today.

(60mm  f14  1/15 sec  ISO200)

(60mm  f5  1/40 sec  ISO200)


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I love the thistle flowers and yours are no exception.The yellow background certainly makes the purple stand out.

Rick said...

@Ruth's Photo Blog - the sun was reflecting off some other weeds and dead grass which created the yellow background - went nicely with the purple. Thanks Ruth, and a blessed Friday to you.

darlin said...

Wow, that's huge Rick, huge and beautiful! I'm wondering how big it's going to get if you just leave it? Maybe it's like Jack's beanstalk. :-)

Carolyn Ford said...

you can't treat something this beautiful as a weed! Your DOF is beautiful with the yellow...but, I won't touch, just look!

Rick said...

@darlin - hopefully no bigger than it already is ! I can stare it in the eye, so to speak. Thanks Darlene - enjoy your soon-to-be-here weekend !

Rick said...

@Carolyn Ford - I agree, so it's blooming nicely; I may have to cut it down when the blooms are done so I don't have a field full next year :)

Thanks Carolyn.

marty said...

love these beautiful shots and the gorgeous colors ! each flower is lovely and even weeds when you look nearer (oh is this right ? regarder plus près !)! bisous Rick

Romantik Seelchen said...

viele Grüße von Jasmin, ich finde bei deinen Fotos sehr schön, daß sie von Worten, von einer kleinen Legende begleitet werden, ein schönes Wochenende...

chasity said...

i know this sounds weird but the canada thistle holds a special place in my heart.
i gave one to my husband one of the very first times we met and were out on a walk.

this photo brought back some tender memories.

have a great weekend rick.


Biana said...

Wow, these are really magical shots, Rick! Great colors.

Goed weekend!!

Teté M. Jorge said...

WOW! I really enjoyed! How amazing!

A great weekend for you.


Rick said...

@marty - merci; 'nearer' is ok - it can be understood; 'closer' would more commonly be used.

Have a great weekend marty. Bisous!!

Rick said...

@jasmin - vielen Dank Jasmin; hat ein wunderbares Wochenende !

Rick said...

@chasity - that's a great memory unwittingly evoked by my post :) I trust you handed it to him carefully ;-)

Hope your weekend is going well!

Rick said...

@Biana - dankjewel Biana; 't is eigenlijk onkruid, maar mooie onkruid ;-)

Ook een fijn weekend!

Rick said...

@teca - muito obrigado; tenha um grande fim de semana teca !

Beijos !!

Unknown said...

What can I say? BOTH ARE KEEPERS :-)



Rick said...

@CarreraCaballo - thank you Joseph; I still have the thistle flower too - in a small vase in the kitchen; it still looks nice.

imac said...

They are most beautiful Rick, be it a plant or weed.

Rick said...

@imac - thanks mac; it's in a vase in the kitchen right now so I guess that makes it a plant - till it gets thrown out!

madscientist said...

I think that this is one of the best pictures that I have ever taken:
I really like taking pictures of thistles, but they spread like mad and are not very pleasant once they have taken over a large area. We had a patch about 50 feet by 50 feet of solid thistle. Ouch!

Rick said...

@madscientist - I checked out your photo - very nice indeed. I agree about thistles spreading - I'm keeping a close eye on the one we have and will cut it down as soon as the flowers have died - before they spread their seeds !

Thanks for stopping by.