Thursday, August 19, 2010

(Day 231) Bird feed

I knew what I wanted to make a photo of today, because I had made a mental note of it some days ago. I thought I'd go out this evening when the light was soft, to capture it. However, by early afternoon the clouds had gathered into an ominous-looking sky and it didn't look like there might be much opportunity later. So, based on lessons already learned in this 365 project, I decided to get out and shoot while the shooting was good, or at least possible.

Here's what the sky looked like as I hurriedly got set for a few shots:

(60mm f8  1/640 sec  ISO400) 

Within minutes after getting my shots, the wind started howling and trees were bent almost to the ground. After blowing all the dust into the next county, the wind then delivered a torrential downpour - sideways. However, I'd made my shots and here's my pick:

(60mm f8  1/60 sec  ISO400) 

Of course the sun shone this evening as the storm had cleared away. I didn't go and see if the storm had blown all the berries away, however.


Scott Law said...

I often say "Timing is everything." That certainly proved to be true in this case. Nice shots.

Lisa said...

I agree with Scott and I have trouble sometimes with that also. I find myself on the run only to miss something.
Great shot of the Berries. Thanks again for all the support and stopping . I sure enjoy your view.

chasity said...

i'm ready for a thunder clapping storm...but not the windy kind. been there. done that.
lost two of our big trees because of it.

love the shining berries.

have a wonderful weekend~

marty said...

ce matin, tout autour il y a les mêmes
nuages noirs et le tonnerre gronde !!
j'aime beaucoup la photo avec les petites
baies rouges qui ont résisté au vent !
belle journée Rick et gros bisous à toi !

imac said...

Aw shucks, looking forward to a berryless tree shot-lol.
Nice captures Rick.

darlin said...

Rick I love that you did the first shot in b&w, it looks powerful, extremely powerful. Stunning macro shot of the berries, I love the colors in this one.

Have a wonderful Friday, maybe the weather will cooperate a bit better for your shots tomorrow!

Chad said...

Like the stormy photo in b&w. From the look of the clouds,its good you took the picture when you did.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I like the stormy shot almost as much as the berries.
There is such awesome power in those clouds.

Rick said...

@Scott - yes, I've certainly learned that lesson! Thanks Scott.

Rick said...

@Lisa RedWillow - thanks for coming by and commenting too, Lisa - I always appreciate it when people take the time to do so. The toughest thing for me to learn was ABC and I'm still sometimes caught without!

Rick said...

@chasity - I don't mind a good thunderstorm either - from a safe place. It's a bit scary though when the wind acts up. We didn't lose any trees though.

Thanks Chasity - hope yours is a good one too!

Rick said...

@marty - I hope your storm wasn't too bad! I think the berries resisted the wind so the birds will have something to eat. A wonderful weekend for you, sent with beaucoup de bisous !

Rick said...

@imac - if the wind had been any stronger mac, the tree would have been berry-less AND bare! Thanks mac, and have a great weekend!

Rick said...

@darlin - thank you ! And your good wishes came true - today was lovely (proof is in my post today). And here's sending a wish for a great weekend to you!

Rick said...

@Chad - thanks Chad; yes - about 10 mins later and I would have been blown into the next county too !

Rick said...

@Ruth's Photo Blog - yes, there sure was, as I found out! Thanks Ruth.

Unknown said...

Oh, these were your berries on my doormat!?!
I guess the storm blew them all the way to Heidelberg - Want some pie? :-D

Nice Berry Pic :-)



Rick said...

@CarreraCaballo - ha ha!! I guess they got through customs ok (fruit is difficult to get through !). And I'd love some pie - thanks for the offer ! ;-)

Thanks Joseph!