Monday, August 23, 2010

(Day 235) The enchanted forest

I can't remember how old I was when the hard truth dawned on me that leprechauns and elves didn't really exist. Isn't that a wonderful time though, when you're young and your still vivid imagination can get caught up in stories about those magical little men and women who inhabit the secret places in the woods.

This morning we had the chance to go on a leisurely walk with our oldest daughter, and our 2 granddaughters. They're at the age still when the 'education' system hasn't destroyed their sense of magic and illusion and imagination. Little people can still live under mushrooms and the forest is still an enchanting place. Here are a few shots of our experiences today.

(10-22mm  f5.6  1/500 sec  ISO800)

doesn't this look enchanting ?

(70-200mm  f5.6  1/100 sec  ISO800)

one of the 'magical' mushrooms in the forest

(70-200mm  f5.6  1/50 sec  ISO800)

surely home to some of the little people of the forest !

(10-22mm  f11  1/200 sec  ISO800)

the bench with a view where we tarried a while

(70-200mm  f5.6  1/50 sec  ISO800)

the demolition crew at work - even in the enchanted forest, the old must make way for the new


darlin said...

What a joy to take the children out on a magical walk! I can only imagine that spending time with them, walking, talking, and story telling is one of the best times of not only their young lives, but yours as well.

Amazing shots, very nice close ups of the mushrooms. I've never seen a magical mushroom before, they're not quite how I had them pictured in my imagination! :-)

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

wonderful images!! indeed magical!

MedaM said...

I enjoyed both reading your post and watching the photos you posted. Thanks for bringing me back into my childhood. :-)

Rick said...

@darlin - we treasure these times and get as much out of them as possible! You might note that I called them 'magical' mushrooms and not 'magic' mushrooms - the magical ones are home to the elves while magic ones turn you into an elf (so I've heard) !

Thanks Darlene.

Rick said...

@Costea Andrea Mihai - thanks Costea!

Rick said...

@MedaM - thank you Meda. Childhood can and should be a magical time. Tragically, for many it isn't.

Unknown said...

These are brilliant, Rick! I love mushrooms so much! I still believe in enchanted forests... but now *I* am the one who is tiny and lives under the shelter of fallen leaves. Imagination is a wonderful thing. ;o)

Biana said...

Die vierde vind ik super super mooi, ik wil daar zitten! :)

Unknown said...

The photo of the bench is beautifully framed, very relaxing - Makes the observer wish that he/she was there :-)



imac said...

I believe, ive seen, my pics prove it.

chasity said...

i think that i actually saw a fairy hiding in one of your photos...
very beautiful forest photos.

Rick said...

@Krista - I hope your forest is as enchanted as the one we walked in ! Thanks Krista - soon you'll have to part company with the wee ones ;-)

Rick said...

@Biana - nou, kom maar een keer kijken ! LOL ! Dan kun je ook een paar kabouters opzoeken !!

Rick said...

@CarreraCaballo - thank you Joseph - I'll reserve a spot for you! ;-)

Rick said...

@imac - so true mac ;-)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

These pictures are magical.The trail through the woods just begs for someone to walk along it.I love pictures like that.

Rick said...

@chasity - you have to look through the eyes of a child to see that ;-) Very well done !

Thanks Chas!

Rick said...

@Ruth's Photo Blog - it WAS magical Ruth - little elves' houses found everywhere in the forest, the dappled sunlight among the trees, children's laughter ...

Thanks Ruth!

Katherine said...

Oh Bugger Rick..aren't they!! Now you've rained on my parade, I thought they were real..tee!hee!hee!
What magical photos these are.... Oooo, I want to go there! The light in these photos is just perfect...certainly adds to the mystique of the pictures..

Rick said...

@Katherine - sorry to let you down so hard Katherine ;-)

I also went for a walk there the previous evening - didn't bring the camera (argghh). Went again the next day - WITH the camera - a truly wonderful place for a long walk!

Thanks Katherine.

Anonymous said...

I could frame your first photo and stare at it all day long.......

Rick said...

@Anonymous - thank you for your kind and inspirational words !