Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ain't it the truth

"If I would have known that grandchildren were going to be so much fun I would have had them first !" (Bill Laurin)

"Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old." (Mary H. Waldrip)

Advice to parents: "Have children while your parents are still young enough to take care of them." (Rita Rudner)

"Grandparents are there to help their grandchildren get into mischief they haven't thought of yet." (Gene Perret)

"Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild." (Welsh Proverb)

"The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren." (Doug Larson)

And here are our three (so far ...):

Hailey (7)

Lilly (4 AND a half)

Graydon (almost 2)


Lúcia said...

You're a very lucky grandpa! They are beautiful kids!
Have a good Sunday Rick! ;-)

darlin said...

Rick your grandchildren are all so adorable! I love the nature shots with Graydon, he's sure having his own fun, not a care in the world. Your granddaughters are going to cause tons of grief for their parents, daddy's going to have to go out and buy a shotgun... if he doesn't already own one! lol I love your quotes, and couldn't agree more that our precious grandchildren are a gift from God. Have a fantastic Sunday and I don't know how cowboy boots would fare in Florida, sandals all the way Rick BUT no socks! lol ttyl

Oh, are all the blogs updated like this or did you switch over? It took me a few minutes to figure out how to comment, but lo and behold I figured it out. Good thing I'm in university or I may have never figured out how to comment! lol

Elizabeth Grimes said...

I thought I already left a comment, but here goes the 2nd try....
This is quite a change! Took me by surprise, but looks great. Your grandchildren are precious. You're quite lucky! :)

Teté M. Jorge said...

What beautiful children and very careful!
Congratulations on your lovely family...

Warm hug and flowers from brazilian spring.

Leslie said...

beautiful blessings! (this is my third try at leaving a comment - hope this one goes through)

Scott Law said...

I have to give a hearty amen to each of the quotes on this one. I just got # 19 grandchild about three weeks ago and # 20 three days ago.

Interesting new format, I'm not sure yet but I do like the display of so many of your beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

I don't think my comment went thru...

Adorable, just look at those eyes! =)

Soraia Brito said...

Beautiful models :D

Lisa Gordon said...

What precious little ones Rick!
You are indeed blessed.
Enjoy every moment!

Fábio Martins said...

So lovely childrens. Very happy all all

Marty said...

comme ils sont magnifiques tous les trois !
tu es un heureux papi et ils sont surement
happy with you ! tu dois être un grand'père
attentionné, joyeux et drôle !you are lucky
and they are lucky !!! Happiness !!
for you and pour tes jolis mômes, plein plein
de bisous bonheur de France

magda said...

Ooo my dear friend Rick
What marvelous children, gorgeous, I hope, be always healthy and happy!
You are a happy grandfather!
To rejoice them!
The new style of your blog, it is amazing!
My eyes filled with beauty!
Give many kisses to the children and have a great week!

S. Etole said...

This may be the second comment ... I seem to have lost the first.

What fun grandchildren are.

Dawn said...

Absolutely beautiful- priceless!
You are extremely blessed.

mariiana capela fotografia said...

so lovely, love it :)

Saz said...

Ahh, they are all so gorgeous!

Betty Manousos said...

oh my, your grandchildren are so beautiful and adorable.

yeah, you're truly blessed.

have a great weekend!

Rick said...

Thank you, Lúcia ! I sure am, and they bring us a lot of joy. Have a great weekend !

Hi Darlene (I'm a bit late getting back to my blog this week). I found these quotes to be very appropriate too so I thought I'd share them. As for my son-in-law - yep, he's getting prepared ;-) Ha ha - no socks with the sandals (so far !) - but it's only going to be 10C here tomorrow morning ! btw - I went back to my old template - too many people found the new style confusing. Enjoy your weekend.

Thanks, Elizabeth - I truly am blessed ! (sorry about the confusion - I liked the new views too, but I've changed back - for now).

Obrigado, teca ! Yes, we are truly blessed with wonderful grandchildren ! I hope you are enjoying your beautiful warm spring, with many beijos !

Rick said...

Thank you, Leslie ! (I've returned to the former template - s/b back to 'normal'. Thanks for trying 3 times !).

Scott - congratulations !! Wow - 20 ! That makes for very interesting family get-togethers. (I too liked some of the new blogger features but I've gone back for now - some things went 'missing' and there was confusion).

Thank you, Tricia - the eyes always have it ! (thanks for your persistence in commenting - I appreciate it).

Thank you, Soraia !

Thanks, Lisa - I agree ! We use Skype video calls to stay in touch - a technology miracle !

Rick said...

Obrigado, Fábio ! Yes - they are happy, and that makes us happy !

Merci very much, Marty ! Our grandchildren fill us with bonheur, without a doubt. We hope to see them grow up into beautiful young adults just as they are beautiful young children - blessings from God ! I send toi many happy bisous and wish you a wonderful fin de semaine !

Hello Magda - thank you for your warm comment ! We receive much joy from our grandchildren ! Thank you for liking the new blog style. I went back to the previous one because the new one was a little confusing. Have a super weekend !

Thank you Susan (and thanks for your comment attempts).

Rick said...

Absolutely, Dawn ! Thank you - have a great weekend !

Thank you, Mariiana !

Thanks, Saz ! I hope your week went well.

Thank you, Betty - of course we think they're the best, brightest, and most beautiful in the world ! ;-) Have a wonderful weekend too.

Romantik Seelchen said...

Hallo Rick, the beautiful little faces, the little boy in the garden,
the nature, clean air to breathe,
best regards Jasmin
here is no more leaf on the tree .... Autumn-winter

Rick said...

Hello Jasmin - ah yes, we so enjoy having them over. Innocent faces, full of joy - they fill our hearts with joy ! And yes, the trees back home are also bare and the snow is starting to fly. We're thankful to be in a warm place. I hope your weekend is a good one !