Saturday, January 14, 2012

Change of mind

I was going to continue posting a few more photos of my recent winter wanderings, but I changed my mind (I've rescheduled them). After we walked around the harbour this afternoon, I decided to return later to add to my stock of sunset shots. I did get a few but I changed my mind about posting any tonight (I've rescheduled those too). Although dusk was rapidly approaching, there was still enough light to capture some of the colour around the harbour. My son had sent some photos of the freezing rain and snow they've had over the last 2 days - I thought he could use a little more colour in his life right now.

Our internet connection here is something I could only dream about a week ago. I'm slowly catching up on responding to your comments and coming round to visit you.

(18-55mm  f11  3 different exposures each 2 stops apart  ISO100)


Bitch said...

Good that your internet connection is so quickly. That is always to good to be true!

Your photo is like it has been taken in Hawaii.
I prefer summer images!!

Wish you a special weekend!!

Carolyn Ford said...

f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s. HDR!!! a gorgeous capture, Rick!

darlin said...

Rick this is stunning! I love your HDR photos, this is so nice to see water and color. The cold is coming our way, Sunday we're supposed to be getting into the -20s. Brrrrr.

Have a fantastic weekend, it's awesome that you're connected once again. I missed you and your photos. :-)

Cloudia said...

Red Rick RIGHT!

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Karin / Southern Meadows said...

The bright red boats really stand out on that calm water. Nice capture (as always). P.S. The beauty of blogging is that you are entitled to change your mind whenever you want :)

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Yes, I needed some color! This is a beautiful picture. Glad you chose it!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Excellent shot. HDR can be tricky,but when you do it,it comes out right. Man,would I hate to have a slow internet connection,how could I meet with all my friends that way? Have a great day.

Lisa Gordon said...

Rick, this is gorgeous!!
Such wonderful colors.

Saz said...

That photo is stunning Rick!

Sorry I haven't been commenting on your posts lately! I shall comment more vigorously though!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Ferreira said...

Love the colour!
Beatiful sky
Great foto rick, congrats.

Thanks for the comment.

Stephanie said...

You have a new follower. I like how you did your HDR, it is not too much or over powering. I love boats. Nice one.

Michelle said...

Great color and I love that pop of red.

Scott Law said...

Love those bright reds Rick. So glad you have speedy Internet again.

S. Etole said...

So good to have you about again! The colors in this are striking.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Wonderful shot. I love the colours and the composition and the sunset sky. Great combination.

BlueShell said...

Wow...I love it! The reds, the sky...everything fabulous!
Thank you for visiting and commenting!I appreciate that!

Anonymous said...

Morning Rich!

As always, loved the awesome shot.
I simply love these colours.

Have a nice Sunday.

imac said...

Ah - Summer, but its on its way again, days are getting longer,lol.
Love the shot Rick.

Betty Manousos said...

i love everything in this image, rick!
the colours, the composition, the texture!

excellent shot!

Tammy said...

This is beautiful...looks like a painting.

Rick said...

Hi Monika - yes, I'm back where our internet is blazingly fast (mind you, compared to what I had before, that's not a high standard to beat ;-) I'm currently in the Sunshine State - not quite Hawaii, but close. Hope you have a great week.

Thank you very much, Carolyn (I'm still learning about HDR).

Thanks, Darlene. As I was processing my HDR shots this one just 'popped out' because of the colours (I'm really liking HDR, if it's not overdone). btw - the cold hit here too - only 8C this morning but got up to 22C this afternoon. It hit -22C at my daughters' place this morning. And yep, I'm SO glad we've got decent internet again - I'm glad to be back. Have a great week !

LOL - got it, Cloudia - couldn't ignore it ! Aloha from Florida !

Ha ha - thanks Karin.

Thank you, Elizabeth - I'm glad I was able to (unknowingly) help ;-) Have a great week.

Rick said...

Thank you Ruth (I'm still learning about HDR). Oh, you can't imagine my frustration with our connection over the past few weeks. I'm hoping to get it fixed as soon as we're back; our connection here just flies !

Thank you kindly, Lisa !

Hi Saz - nice to hear from you. I'd been out of touch for a few weeks too - back in the land of slow/no internet. Thank you - always enjoy your visits. Have a super week !

Obrigado, Ferreira ! My pleasure to visit your site. I am now able to follow so blogger problems must be fixed.

Thank you, Stephanie, for visiting and following, and your kind words (I've been over to visit you too).

Thank you, Michelle - that's what really struck me too.

Thanks, Scott. I'm not glad about my internet connection - I'm ecstatic !! (the connection back home would run at 0.05Mbps in the evening - slower than dial up; I've clocked this one at 25.5Mbps !).

Thank you, Susan - I have missed being able to visit my fellow bloggers; it's like not seeing friends for a while.

Petr said...

Rick, great photos. I'm excited. Good drawing both the sky and in the shadows. The mood of the evening is perfect. Regards Peter.

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Rick, welcome back! That is a great photo! I really love the red and the dusky light! You have captured it beautifully!

magda said...

Very artistic photo Rick!!!
Glad you got fast Internet. I always have modest but I got used.
The red boats are wonderful!
a hug

Rick said...

Thank you, Petr !

Hi Kyria, and thank you ! I just couldn't function with an internet connection slower than dial up ! Nice to be back.

Thanks, Magda. I'm glad I have a good/excellent connection here in Florida - now I can visit everyone again. Greetings !