Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summertime fun

[click on this link for some music to put you in the mood ... while you spend a moment or two here]

It's been a couple of busy weeks since I was last here - time spent making memories with our children and grandchildren. The camera got a good workout capturing just a fraction of the many moments we had together. The best moments, though, can't be displayed here - they're burned into our collective memories.

a hike through the forest (under the pretext of 'taking the dogs for a walk')
cooling one's toes on a hot summer day
a quick time out for a pose ("are we done yet ?")
anticipating a big splash at the water park
visiting a pioneer village to get a glimpse of life in the 1860's
seeing how water was used to provide power to the mill
but the highlight was a visit to the one-room schoolhouse (where I was 'reacquainted' with the strap ... much to the delight of our granddaughters !)
and where they saw how students dressed for school 150 years ago (note the absence of cell phones and iPads)
in between the visits to parks and playgrounds and beaches there was still plenty of time to catch frogs in our pond (here's Hailey, ably assisted by Sasha - both were equally obsessed)
and the end of each day was capped by a glorious sunset
I hope your summer has been equally blessed.


Cloudy said...

Herrliche frische Fotos, macht Freude anzuschauen...


Cloudia said...

Fine captures, skilfully woven together, Rick

Aloha, Friend
from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

Amelia said...

Hi Rick, thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures. The black and white pictures are excellent.

Look like you had a good and fun time with your family and grandchildren. Your grandchildren are so cute and pretty. *Give them a hugs*
Gorgeous sunset picture :)

Have a nice week ahead.

biebkriebels said...

That looks like a fairytale holiday, everybody having fun.
Groeten, Marianne

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend the summer.I am sure it is hard for children today to imagine no cell phones or iPads.Without all that we still turned out fairly well. LOL

Lúcia said...

Your grandchildren are so cute Rick!!!
That photo of the splash, you froze the water in the right moment, it's interesting to see his face through the water! ;-)

Fábio Martins said...

What a fantastic pictures today :)

Saz said...

Heya Rick - these photo's are absolutely stunning, as always! And I'm loving the new blog layout too! It's amazing. (:

I'm back in the blog world! My place of work - where I was living as well, had wifi that decided to block blogspot so I could never get online sadly - but now I have wifi that I can get online for, so I can comment and update more (:

Lisa Gordon said...

It looks like you had a most wonderful summer, Rick!
Those little ones are just adorable.

joyce said...

Great pics, the first one looks like an advertisement for Robert Frost's The Road Not Travelled....looks like a barely used path on the left there. ALso love the one of your grandson under the water...perfect timing! School without cellphones and iPads?? However did they manage? ;) Probably learned a lot more than our kids do, that's how!

Teté M. Jorge said...

Especially delicious photos! I imagine that your holiday was wonderful...

Many sweet beijos and a warm hug.

Michelle said...

Beautiful pictures and by the looks of them, you had a wonderful time.

Stephanie said...

Wow! Gorgeous photos! I was wondering if may ask you a question. I have been wanting to redecorate my blog page, how do you post such large photos. On mine, one always has to click on the image to appear bigger. It looks more effective when it is already large.

Marty said...

bonjour Rick ! First your wonderful header !
et puis ces merveilleuses vacances avec tes petits enfants ! happy summer days ! I enjoy de voir these wonderful images !
already september ! yesterday first school day here! I wish you un joli mois
and send you par dessus l'océan des bisous qui sentent encore l'été !

Joke (Joke's Camera) said...

Great shots, Rick. So to see you had a fantastic summer with your precious grandchildren. Those pioneer villages are fun. I have seen some. From the time of the TV-series "Little house on the prairy". Thanks for your comment on my blog. Greetings, Joke

Hilda R.B said...

Beautiful photos from the summer. The last one was so great.
Wish you a nice week.
From Hilda

imac said...

Hey Rick, some real fantastic shots here my friend, like toes on the water and big splash - to name a couple of my favs.

Magia da Inês said...

彡♡` Olá!

Fotos maravilhosassssss!

Bom fim de semana!
Brasil ♡彡.

Bitch said...

You must had a very nice summer..
Happy faces all around you.
Lovely children!!!

Dagmar said...

Hidihow there Rick. Wowzers I can tell you had fun! Great wonderful summer colored shots you're sending out there to us my friend. thank you so much for sharing.
Oh and that header.....you've got to be joking....you were THERE!!! LOVE it. Just LOVE it.
Hugs. Dag

Betty Manousos said...

omg, those little ones are just so cute!!!

lovely photos, looks like you had a great summer!

Anonymous said...

Great Photos!!

darlin said...

Wow, wow and wow! Your captures are perfect! I'm sitting here with a huge smile on my face, toes almost tapping along to the music, now that I think of it I'm typing to the music! lol

What fun photos, I'm in awe of the magnificent shots you have collected, the memories are totally priceless though for sure!

Thanks Rick! Cheers.

darlin said...

And by the way, your grandchildren are totally 200% adorable! :-)

Pamela Gordon said...

It looks like you've had a fun summer with the grandkids. Love the photos of them enjoying the water etc. The historic village looks really interesting. I'd enjoy visiting it. Pam