Saturday, May 28, 2011


I always appreciate a good tip, especially one that pans out. Well, I received one a couple of days ago from my daughter-in-law, Nadine, who said she'd found a very scenic hike through quiet woods, along a serene - in places - river, and overlooking a beautiful waterfalls (actually she only told me about the waterfalls, but that was enough ...).

The first (dry) opportunity to check it out came this afternoon, and I was not disappointed. Sasha and I spent the better part of 2 hours there, taking it in and making some shots. I'll share them over the next few days and you can let me know if this was a good tip.

(10-22mm  f11  1/30 sec  ISO200)

No, these aren't the falls - they're rapids just above the falls.

(70-200mm  f18  1/25 sec  ISO100)


becky said...

Oh yeah, Rick... it was a good tip! Man oh man it's green!!! Guess it's all that rain you've been having! Gorgeous! I want to sit by that creek stick my toes in the water & just relax...

Elizabeth Grimes said...

That green color is so rich. Everything looks like it's glowing. Lovely!

S. Etole said...

A very good tip indeed!!! Looking forward to more.

Lisa said...

This is so so Beautiful. What a wonderful place to go.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can see,already,that this was a good tip.

Cicero Sings said...

No doubt about it - a very good tip.

Leslie said...

definitely worth the trip...

Fábio Martins said...

I Like the first. A lot!

Teté M. Jorge said...

Of course it was a good tip. Indeed, an excellent tip! How I give to be there...
Have a wonderful week, honey.
A warm hug.
Beijos and... love.

Marty said...

tu as dû trouver beaucoup de bonheur durant cette magnifique promenade !
les photos sont très belles !
je te souhaite une belle semaine et
voici une cascade de bisous !

Rick said...

Ha ha - thanks Becky. Yep, we've been getting rain here alright - almost daily. I guess the greenness is the upside. Not sure you'd want to stick your toes in quite yet - we need a bit of warm weather. soon.

Thank you Elizabeth - the blessings of a lot of rain, I guess.

I agree, Susan - more this week. I promise.

Thanks Lisa - I still have to thank my daughter-in-law.

Rick said...

Thanks Ruth - I always like a tip like that ! Hope you have a good week.

Thanks Eileen - have a great week.

You're right, Leslie ! I hope your weekend went well.

Obrigado, Fábio; I appreciate your visit !

Rick said...

Teca - thank you; just let your spirit drift over - I will give you some more views this week. I hope your week is a wonderful one, full of hugs and beijos !

LOL Marty - I certainly appreciate the cascade de bisous - as much as your visit and lovely comment. Merci beaucoup and I wish you a wonderful coming week with a river-full of bisous !

Tim said...

Rivers, streams, and waterfalls always draw me in. Beautiful!

Rick said...

Thank you Tim ! Have a great week.

darlin said...

Wow, definitely an awesome tip! I love the color of the water, or I should say the lack of color in your water, it's so clear. The falls are spectacular, makes me want to go on a road trip to go and sit by some falls and listen to nature. Ahhh maybe in Colorado Springs! :-)

Enjoy your day.

darlin said...

I forgot to mention how beautiful your new header photo is, very nice Rick!

Saz said...

Wow Rick! What gorgeous photo's! And what a beautiful place to go, I'd love to visit somewhere like this on a daily basis, just to sit and read whilst listening to the sound of the crashing waterfall.... Ah the peacefulness. Haha.

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

What a beautiful place! Great photos. I love the way the water on the second one is so silky.