Sunday, May 1, 2011

"... all creation praises Thee"

“God, all nature sings Thy glory, 
  and Thy works proclaim Thy might;
  Ordered vastness in the heavens, 
  ordered course of day and night;
  Beauty in the changing seasons, 
  beauty in the storming sea;
  All the changing moods of nature 
  praise the changeless Trinity."

(18-55mm  f20  1/25 sec  ISO200)

[shot last fall]

See Scott's blog for more Sunset Sunday shots.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Spectacular!This is so gorgeous.Yes all nature sings praise to our God.

Leovi said...

Excellent tones, with a magnificent reflection of those beautiful sun.

Unknown said...

Simply wow, a picture like this makes you believe ;-)



Michelle said...

The colors in this are gorgeous. Another beautiful picture and post!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Beautiful. What a capture!

Michelle said...

I love those rays of light.

Leslie said...

amen. beautiful photo to illustrate the verses from this hymn...

darlin said...

Rick this is such a beautiful photo I had to enlarge it to take a closer look, as I do with almost all of your photos. The colors in this shot are ones which cannot be replicated my man, definitely the handiwork of our Creator.

May your day bring you joy and happiness and your internet issues be resolved. You are a patient man Rick, I think I might have thrown all of my computers out the window by now! lol

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Oh Rick, love the way you captured this light. It's beautiful.

Bitch said...

So many beautiful colors all over
your blog..
I got color drunk!
Thank you for that!

S. Etole said...

Like a wonderful technicolor dream.

Julia said...

¡¡Unos colores y una luz preciosa!!
Dignos de una estación otoñol.
Un saludo.

Tammy said...

This quote and photo fit so well together...awe inspiring.

Tim said...

Very beautiful! And God's glory shines bright through His handiwork.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

Breathtaking...God's good creation indeed!

Rick said...

Thank you Ruth; we can only hope to reflect that beauty in our photography.

Gracias Leovi !

Thank you Joseph, and yes !

Thanks, Michelle - fall here is stunning and you can't help but give credit where credit is due !

Rick said...

Thank you Elizabeth !

Thanks Farmchick - that was the culmination of a perfect day.

Thanks, Leslie; expresses it better than I could.

You're right, Darlene - we can only point our cameras at creation and hope to capture some of its beauty. As for the internet issues ... it's frustrating trying to make visits and watch photos slowly loading, but ... I'm learning patience. :(

Rick said...

Thank you very much Laura !

Careful, Monika ;-) Thank you - I hope your week is a good one !

Fall is like that around here Susan - creation just goes all out before it goes all out for winter.

Obrigado Soraia.

Rick said...

Gracias, Julia !

Thanks Tammy - I spent about half a day in this area making photos last fall - I was awestruck too.

Thank you Tim - we can only stand in awe and praise Him for what He created for us to enjoy.

Thank you Jeanne - we are truly blessed, although we don't act like it.

Marty said...

more than wonderful
more than magnifique !!!
bisous dorés

Saz said...

What a lovely poem with a lovely photo. (:

pumpkydine said...

Love the poem and picture. Fall is my most favorite time of the year. It shows the artistry of our creator. The light is just awesome on those clear cool days of autum

Marisa said...

You stole the colors in the sun? Sublime image of a rare beauty, wonderful rays that cut the branches. Bravo!

Teté M. Jorge said...

Ah... wonderful shot!
Thank you very much!

Nature is huge and so beautiful! It gives us every spectacular moment!
Thankfully there are people like you who shoots it all and shows us...

Many beijos and... love!