Sunday, March 14, 2010

(Day 73) Guess where I found this

It was a bit of a nasty day today (typical March, I suppose) with gusty blasts of wind sprinkled with some rain now and then. Not the kind of day that was conducive to outdoor photography, especially since I'm a bit under the weather too. So I had to content myself with some indoor shooting and came up with this. Have a guess at it - most imaginative gets bragging rights - and I'll post the answer tomorrow.

(60mm  f18  8 sec.  ISO200)


darlin said...

Interesting, I'm curious if you've manipulated the color??? Common one hint! lol

Rick said...

Ok - one hint - I didn't manipulate the colour. (I don't do any post processing; maybe when my 365 is done, I'll set up a blog with post-processed photos; this one is au naturel :)

darlin said...

K it's a red basket with the thing that looks like a bug is a spring of some type on a red pile of gaskets! lol

Anonymous said...

You have like a whole series going on with this and the previous post!

I see a lightbulb, I think? Something in the kitchen maybe? Other than that, I have no idea.

['ô ] Avery

Anonymous said...

Its made of glass, its crystal, but I don't really know what it is.

But I do like it a lot!

joey said...

A red plastic cap, perhaps! Don't know but like it!

lizzynash said...

Hmm... A crystal pitcher? or vase? or part of a crystal knick-knack? Nice shot.. very intriguing to the eye! :)

Rick said...

Thanks everyone for taking a stab at this, (and hopefully having some fun) - I think you all had some parts of your guess correct: Avery saw a light bulb (correct), darlin and liz get credit for a vivid imagination - bugs, springs, gaskets, crystal pitcher or vase!, M got the glass part correct, joey got the red plastic cap correct.

Ok, the answer to the mystery: it's the inside of the taillight on my wife's Santa Fe, which was parked in the garage (see - inside shot). I thought it made for a bit of an interesting abstract picture.

Anonymous said...

Wow! How creative!

Never ever would've guessed that. It is a great abstract picture and love the new 'psychedelic' perspective on things ;)

['ô ] Avery

Rick said...

@Avery - thanks - just having 'fun' with the camera; a bit more back to 'reality' with today's post (Mar. 15) - not that I ever left 'reality' ;)

darlin said...

Rick, that would have been my second guess! lol Very creative. :-)

Rick said...

@darlin - thank you - it's amazing how the ordinary can take on a whole different 'look' depending on how you or the camera see things.

Unknown said...

What a great idea - how fun! I love these guessing games!

This is a cool shot, too. I like the colour, and the different textures reflected back in different areas of the shot. :o)

Rick said...

@Krista - thanks ("if we can't have some fun with photography, why are we doing it?" - rhetorical question :)