"You learn something every day if you pay attention." ~Ray LeBlond
There's a little piece of wisdom that I found is reinforced by doing a project 365 (ok, I didn't know that quote by heart - I looked it up - but I did find it very appropriate). And now you're wondering how I'm going to segue to today's photo.
It started this afternoon while I was watering the palms we had planted a few weeks ago - they need daily watering for the first month after being transplanted - and I looked a little more closely at the Bismark palm. There are intricate patterns in its leaves, its stems, its trunk, its new fronds ... So, while the water was trickling down to its roots I got the camera and made a few photos. Later I got more information on this palm which is native to Madagascar - where it's now threatened - and has become extremely popular in southern Florida where it thrives due to similarities in climate. Here are a few views of this magnificent palm:
(10-22mm f18 1/15 sec ISO200)
stalks supporting the leaves can be 3m/10' long; trunk is underneath
(60mm f14 1/40 sec ISO800)
leaves are 1m/3' across
(10-22mm f18 1/15 sec ISO200)
here are 3 of the 4 new fronds on our tree that will unfurl into new leaves
OMG! I have such a similar photo that I took in Hawaii...I haven't posted it yet. Aren't they great photo ops?!
ALL of these are just awesome Rick. Perspective, color, lighting, everything!
My favorite has to be #1 though.
Thank you Rick for your lovely comments on my blog. I always appreciate your kind words of support.I love these photos..palms really do make interesting photographic subjects. One day, when the sun is shining once again (it's been raining soooo much here of late) I will take some pictures and show you my tropical garden. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend and enjoy the sunshine. Cheers from rainy old OZ .. Kath x
Would like to see more of those orangey bits in photo one. They look interesting! My kind of pics!
oh lieber Rick, ich kann Interessates erzählen, benannt die Palme nach dem Reichsgründer Otto von Bismarck, Deutschlnd , und sein Urenkel lebt noch, ich kenne ihn, und er kauft in meinem Geschäft ein, er kommt mit Frau und Kind, er ist schon sehr alt und sehr sehr nett, was sagst du dazu, geht die Übersetzung und du versehst!!!, herzliche Grüße von Jasmin Deutschland
oh dear Rick, I can tell Inter binge, named the palm for the kingdom's founder, Otto von Bismarck, Deutschlnd, and his great grandson is still alive, I know him, and he buys in my store, he comes with his wife and child, he is already very old and very very nice, what do you say, is the translation and you provided!, warm greetings from Germany Jasmin
i loove the second one!!!
great composition and wonderful color!
More great photographs! Love the perspective and composition of these!
Great photos! :D
Thanks for all the comments :D
In one of the comments you ask the name of the flower right?
I don't know the name of the flower, sorry.
j'aime beaucoup ces photos, elles sont
belles ! j'adore les palmiers et tu as
bien de la chance de pouvoir en mettre
dans ton jardin ! Moi, je ne peux manger
que les noix de coco ou les dattes achetées
au supermarché lol!!
bisous Rick et bon dimanche !
Lots of interesting aspects to that.
Rick you're going to be the wisest human being on this plant in no time at all, you ALWAYS pay such close attention to everything. This is one of your admiral qualities and I believe what makes you such a "gifted" photographer. You see beyond what most others see and these three photos are fine examples of this. I want a palm tree now, can you ship me one down? lol Exquisite photos!
These are gorgeous Rick! Just what I needed today; a little dose of tropical. :o)
Beauty everywhere...everyday. Nice captures.
How coincidental Carolyn - I'll look for it when I visit your blog. Yes, they're very photogenic !
Thanks Avery - my fav too, but I put in the other 2 to show more of the palm.
De nada Katherine. I appreciate your visits and comments. Hopefully your weather will turn soon so we can see some of your tropical garden. I read that Bismarks do well there ! Have a great week.
Julia - I believe those 'orangey bits' were as a result of lens flare from the sun coming through the palm. Thanks.
Guten tag Jasmin - that is amazing that you know a relative of Bismark !! To me he was just a historical figure - and this palm is named after him ! Wunderbar. Viele Grüße von Rick aus Florida !
Thank you Elena - nice to have you visit and leave a comment. Hope you have a great week.
Thank you Karin; I think Bismarks would have problems surviving in your neck of the woods at 22F.
Hi Soraia - my pleasure, and thank you for visiting. I think that flower in your photo might have been a bougainvillea, but I'm no expert (still a beautiful shot)
Bonjour Marty ! Merci - I am very fortunate to be able to live among the palms and sun. I hope your supermarket has good dates and coconuts (that's where we get ours too ;-) Have a wonderful week and I send you a palm tree full of bisous chaud !
Yes, Susan - I had a lot of fun looking at the different perspectives on this beautiful tree.
LOL Darlene - maybe you should send Herb down with one of the classic trucks to get a few palms - how tall is your ceiling ? ;-) Thank you for your kind comments !
Hi Krista - I figured you could use a bit of tropical amidst your white - just a bit of variety, you know ;-) Hope your week is a good one !
Thank you Farmchick - so true !
Rick I love your perspective on these palms. You certainly made them interesting. Sometimes it just takes of moment of really looking at something that you realize the beauty that lies in just patterns and different views. I am sure the palms will do well with your love and attention.
Beautiful composition with a very suggestive frame
Hi Carrie - thank you; there's nothing like looking at something with 'different' eyes to see it differently.
Thank you Leovi !
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