Tuesday, December 7, 2010

(Day 341) A bit of Mediterranean

No, we're not on another trip, at least not one that required lots of travel. In fact, we drove only about 15 minutes to the nearby harbour (that would be 'harbor' for Scott ;-). We've gone there a number of times - it's a very nice place to go for a walk, they don't hassle us about having a dog, and photo ops abound. Another thing I like about the place is the architecture, which, along with the colours, reminds me of the Mediterranean.

While I don't know the history of this development, there's a large faded sign near the waterfront stating there are 19 lots for sale. Alas, it looks like only one was sold and developed before the bottom fell out of the market. And I've never seen more than 3 cars in the parking lot designed for 50+ cars beside the large ornate sales office.

Here are a couple of shots of one of the promenades leading to shops and cafes. We've not experienced any crowds here.

(both shots made with a 10-22mm lens at f14, ISO800 and shutter speeds of 1/100 and 1/640 seconds)


What Karen Sees said...

Nice perspective and great color.

darlin said...

Beautiful shots of a magnificent place. It's awesome that you found a place to walk Sasha without being hassled.

Dawn said...

Love the angles you took these at.
Beautiful looking place.

Rick said...

Thank you Karen !

We'll be going there often I think - lots to see and do - without the hassle. Thanks Darlene !

Thank you Dawn - I expect to post a few more photos from there when I visit next time.

ju-north said...

Love these colours - they've certainly brightened up a monochrome day here!

marty said...

j'aime ces couloirs aux couleurs chaudes du sud !
c'est surement une bien jolie promenade !!
ces couleurs me réchauffent un peu !
bisous Rick

Anonymous said...

looks like a really nice place, but that's awful... maybe it'll pick up? maybe? sad to see it all go down the drain...

Soraia said...

I like the colours!

S. Etole said...

such rich color ...

Unknown said...

Actually where are you right now, in Canada?
Because that looks a little bit too sunny to be up there!
Or are these photos of your stay in Florida?

Nice Pictures . . .



Michelle said...

Really nice colors and it does look rather Floridian.

Rick said...

Julia - thank you; I take it by 'monochrome' that you mean a lot of white, with some gray ? ;-)

Merci Marty ! I'm glad they warmed you a little, and maybe some bisous chaud will help too ;-)

There are bargains to be had here now Tricia, especially compared to a few years ago - although I don't think you have to hurry.

Thank you Soraia - they liven things up !

Lisa said...

I love the arches . Great shots. Reminds me of San Diego when my husband and I went last winter. I did get a few photos .

Rick said...

Susan - yes and they really brighten up the whole development !

Hi Joseph - we're still in Florida - you wouldn't see a scene like this in Canada for another 6 months ! Thank you !

Farmchick - you're right on - southwest Florida.

Rick said...

Thank you Lisa - I fell for arches when we were in Greece too - I like that architectural style.

Leovi said...

Great frames in perspective with a very attractive color.

Carolyn Ford said...

I love these! The color...wow!

Rick said...

Thank you Leovi and Carolyn. Appreciate your visits !

Julia said...

Estas tienen un encuadre fabuloso y un color que me recuerda el verano.
¡¡Estupendas tomas Rick!!
Un saludo.

Rick said...

Gracias muy mucho julia !

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Love the colors.

Rick said...

Thank you Laura !