Tuesday, December 21, 2010

(Day 355) It was a dark and stormy night ...

Well, it was dark at least but "the moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas ..." and it looked like it was really snowing out. Sometimes photos can distort reality.

I went out looking for a night time seasonal scene this evening. The combination of the full moon looking pale behind the clouds that were scudding along the darkened sky, and the snow in the headlights, made things look worse than they were. In fact, it wasn't a bad night to be out at all, by Canadian winter standards.

(both shots made with a 18-55mm lens at f9.0, ISO1600 and shutter speeds of 1.6 and 2.5 sec)

click on photo to enlarge


Michelle said...

Beautiful photos and they really provoke feeling.

Carolyn Ford said...

I like these, both of them! The snow scene is really good...great lighting on it! Merry Christmas to you and yours, Rick!

Dawn said...

Well Canadian "standards" seem to be slipping;)
Crazy weather!!
These are great- that 2nd one looks like you are standing on the side of the road, waiting for a ride in a crazy (Canadian) storm!
Love these captures.

Dagmar said...

owwww Rick I'm head over heels about your 2 shot. did you use a tripod? It's so mystic.
Have a happy winter my friend.
Hugs D.

ju-north said...

These are wonderful! You've inspired me to go out at night!!

marty said...

I love these two images very much ! so beautiful
and the best to wish you a happy christmas
dear Rick !
bisous de Noël parfum cannelle !

Leovi said...

Great night light, I like those frames. Wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Best wishes. Leovi.

Cat said...

These are fantastic Rick! Merry Christmas!

Leslie said...

They look like images from a story book... I can see why you were reminded of those verses!

What Karen Sees said...

Well, looks like you're now seeing more of what I see outside and it all looks cold! Love the first image.

becky said...

Beautiful photos- they have a "mysterious" feeling to them!

imac said...

Gee Rick, your photography is so eye catching.

Anonymous said...

Two lovely night shots. Did you take a longer exposure on the second one? Because I see some lines which I tend to believe are snow falling from the sky.

Soraia said...

Great photos! :D

Teté M. Jorge said...

It Seems pictures of fairy tales... so beautiful...

MERRY CHRISTMAS and a wonderful new year! For you and for yous.
Many beijos with love.

Rick said...

Thank you Farmchick !

And a wonderful Christmas to you and your family also, Carolyn. Thank you !

LOL thanks Dawn ! Actually I think it looks worse on the photo than it was, but yes, I was off to the side of the road - but not waiting for a ride.

darlin said...

Stunning shots Rick! Welcome home. :-)

So how is it for you here now? Freeeeezing? lol

Rick said...

Hi Dag - thank you; yes, I used a tripod (I have a steady hand, but not THAT steady ! ;-)

Thanks Julia; I'll look forward to seeing your night shots (bundle up !).

Merci Marty ! Ah cannelle - my favourite spice on top of cappuccino ! Joyeux Noël Marty, avec plein de bisous chaud !

Rick said...

Gracias tanto Leovi ! Feliz Navidad !

Thank you very much Cat, and a Merry Christmas to you and yours !

Thanks Leslie. I still recall some of those lines from 'The Highwayman' way back in high school - the moon reminded me of that.

Rick said...

Thanks Karen - yes, we have some 'white stuff' here, but only about 3", unlike where my daughters live where they have almost 3' !

Thank you Becky; have a wonderful Christmas !

Thanks mac !

Rick said...

Thank you M! Yes, 2.5 seconds - it was a light snow but the longer exposure made it look almost like sleet.

Thanks Soraia !

Teca - I like doing night shots and even more so when it's a little mysterious out; thank you ! Eu desejo-o um natal feliz with many beijos ;-)

Ha ha - thanks Darlene; I'm wearing a heavy coat that I usually wear if it gets down to -20C or colder - and it's only been about -5C here. Oh, and the flannel sheets are on the bed, of course ;-)

Unknown said...

The 2nd shot, that is amazing!!!
The long exposure of rain or snow falling makes the photo very dramatic :-)



Rick said...

Thank you Joseph ! (aren't you supposed to be in Lithuania ?) Merry Christmas !

Anonymous said...

Shot #1 is WAY cool Rick!