Friday, April 1, 2011

In the spotlight

"The birds came marching two by two, Hurrah, Hurrah,  
 The birds came marching two by two, Hurrah, Hurrah ... "

Just having a little phun on a phriday. Hope you did too ! 

(10-22mm  f10  1/400 sec  ISO100

click on photo for a better view

Phor more phabulous phun, have a look at Scott's blog


Michelle said...

Quite a phunny photo phor phriday. Actually, a really good one.

Scott Law said...

That is Phun, thanks for playing along and entertaining us. Great shot, really.

Scott Law said...

Me again. That does look like a really cool museum. Another wonderful one if you haven't been . . . come to think of it, it's wonderful even if you have been is here.

darlin said...

Good one Rick, they actually look as though they're marching. Were these birds headed for something in particular? It's odd to see all of them going in the same direction, cute but odd.

magda said...

What a nice formations!
Excellent photo!
Have a nice weekend Rick !

Dagmar said...

ouuuhhh you got me puzzled here my friend. How did you make the shades underneeth the birdies??? sure looks phun to me.
Happy weekend. En bedankt voor het harde blazen voor het mooie weer deze kant uit. Ik geniet dubble op nu ik weet dat je dat voor me over had.
liefs Dag

Marty said...

drôle de photo ! ces oiseaux-là ont appris la
discipline et savent marcher au pas !!
joyeux weekend Rick
bisous plein de soleil aujourd'hui !!!

becky said...

Very cool & artistic editing Rick~ Happy friday!

Saz said...

Love that photo! Looks like loads and loads of phun! Haha :P

joey said...

Excellent, Rick ... luv it!

Tiago Braga said...

so funny :P

Teté M. Jorge said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you're lovely!
I loved the picture and the words accompanying them. How cool are you! So I like coming here.
Have a wonderful Sunday with your family.
Many beijos with love and joy.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photo with excellent light and color, seems an army in training.

Dawn said...

Haha...very good Rick! Nice work:)

Lisa said...

Loved this Rick, Good one.

Rick said...

Thank you, Farmchick - glad you liked it !

Thanks, Scott - my pleasure, as always ! And thanks for the link - that does look very interesting. Sure hope I get to check out both someday. soon.

Thanks, Darlene - I'm not sure if they were headed towards something but they sure stayed together and in formation - walking, running, and flying !

Thank you Magda - perhaps these were secret military birds out on manoeuvre ;-) Hope your weekend is fabulous !

Rick said...

Hi Dag and thanks for dropping by. Actually those are shadows in the original - I made a negative from it and did a little cropping but that was it (I don't have, nor know how to use, PS). And you're very welcome for 'de warmte' ;-) Fijne zondag !

LOL Marty ! Yes - these are 'precision birds' - I think they hang around military bases when they're not on the beach ;-) Many bisous for your Sunday !

Thanks Becky - hope your weekend is going well too !

Ha ha, it was Saz ! Hope you're having a good one !

Rick said...

Thanks for visiting joey !

Thanks Tiago !

Teca - so nice to see you visiting. Thank you for your very nice comment; I hope your weekend is wonderful and I send you os abraços e beija ! (I hope that translates ok ;-)

Thank you, Leovi - they certainly do look like that !

Thanks a lot, Dawn !

Thanks very much, Lisa !

Marisa said...

Excellent shot for an extraordinary parade!
Have a great week my friend!

Rick said...

Thanks for dropping by and leaving a nice comment, Minu ! I hope your week is also a wonderful one !