We were spared a significant shock when we got home in the wee hours today - the temperature was quite warm here - about 25C/77F. However, this morning dawned quite a bit cooler - about 12C/54F - brrr. For the first time in over 3 weeks I needed socks, jeans, and a long-sleeved shirt. And I saw what those 3 weeks have done to the plants and trees, so I made this photo to remind myself that summer is definitely over for another year. But we have a lot more beautiful fall colours to look forward to.
(10-22mm f22 1/2 sec ISO400)
That is some very brilliant color ... glad you are safely home.
I do hope you had a great time-but I am certainly glad you're back!!
I could comment on every one of your posts, but it would literally take me two hours. So I'll just tell you here and now, every picture was very awesome!
['ô ] Avery
hi there...gosh that's twice in a couple of hours...you're rather up early or I'm off my rocker.
I can believe it's a change for you, running around in shorts and need the gloves almost today.
I miss the warmth of the summer but love the colors of fall. Do enjoy my friend.
Hugs Dag
lieber Rick, es sieht hier auch schon nach Herbst aus, auch fühlt es sich durch die Temperatur nicht mehr wie Sommer an, eine schöne Zeit mit guten Erlebnissen,viel sehenswerte Fotos für die Heimat, es grüßt von Herzen Jasmin...
Welcome home, and I know that you often do need a vacation after a vacation like that. Fall is clearly upon us and I look forward to seeing what you'll be seeing.
It's supposed to be 106 degrees here today in southern California! I would love some fall temps! What a beautiful red! I can't wait to see some color here! You enjoy! And, welcome home...what a great trip you must have had.
See what happens when you go away! lol Beautiful photo, very pretty red.
@S. Etole - thank you Susan; it's very nice to be back. Getting back into the swing of things. slowly.
This is so beautiful! Be thankful you don't live here... we are covered in snow... LOL!
@Photog Ave - hi Avery; had a wonderful time, thank you. I have around 2,200 photos and will likely spend the next couple of weeks sorting through them - I didn't 'weed' too hard while on vacation.
I'm also catching up on posts - viewing and reading, but also won't add comments everywhere.
Thanks for dropping by and good luck in school !
@Barefoot from Heaven - hi Dag; I was up late, or maybe it was early - times are still a little mixed up. I'm trying to make it to various blogs - will take some time.
I will try to get used to fall, although it was a bit of a shocker, esp. when I see that Rhodes will have 32-34C this week still !
Have a great week!
@jasmin - danke Jasmin; yes - lots of good experiences and photos, for sure ! I hope we still get a bit of Indian summer here - don't think I'm quite ready for fall/winter yet.
Viele grüße !
@Scott - thanks Scott - good to be back. Now have to ramp up and start visiting blogs again - looking forward to it.
@Carolyn Ford - 106!!! Now THAT's hot ! You must be in Death Valley or something. We'll send some fall temps your way - it's 52F here this morning.
I think this shrub is called a 'burning bush' and rightly so.
Thanks Carolyn - nice to be back but will take me a while to catch up.
@darlin - thank you. I was hoping for a few more weeks of summer-like weather, so we could ease into fall, but nope - wham/bam summer's over !
Have a great week !
@Krista - ah, snow in Sept. I remember that well from my days in Alberta - you could always count on the weather for a surprise.
Thanks Krista ;-)
Nice picture, but don't you have the feature on your camera where the red leaves stand out and everything else is black and white?
@Julia - nope, sorry - I thought the red stood out already though.
I can see you are way ahead of us. Indian summer here and the only red leaves currently are poison oak. This red color is amazing.
@Janell - we're waiting for Indian summer here - it was 75F here today - not bad really. Our poison ivy is likely the same colour as your poison oak - will check your blog to see if you've posted any. Thanks for stopping by.
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