Sunday, September 26, 2010

(Day 269) The show's not quite over

The signs are all around us here - leaves turning colour and starting to cover the ground, temperatures falling with each passing day, summer flowers now gone to seed. It won't be long before Jack Frost makes his first visit and settles on the pumpkins. But before we start thinking about hard frosts and white stuff swirling around us, there are still hardy plants out there that are putting on a show of colour. It's amazing how our Creator has provided such a wide variety of plants to festoon His creation - where we live, for 3 seasons, before everything gets a period of rest.

Our fields are now coloured by purple wild asters, amongst the remnants of goldenrod. And there are other wildflowers which are only now blooming  - I will try to capture some of these over the coming days.

(60mm  f6.3  1/20 sec  ISO200)

And now that I'm getting back (slowly) into the swing of things, I remembered to post my Sunset Sunday contribution - this was taken from the balcony of our villa on our last evening in Rhodes.

(10-22mm  f11  1/80 sec  ISO200)


Unknown said...

Oh rick, these are really great! I have been enjoying your vacation photos too. Welcome home! I find that no matter where I travel; it is always nice to come back home again. :o)

Rick said...

@Krista - thanks Krista; I agree - vacations and exotic places are great, but getting home wraps it up nicely.

chasity said...

the aster is so beautiful with the little drops of water adorning its petals.

the fields must be gorgeous right now!

Dagmar said...

Wow Rick these are true beauties. What a colorful gift our Creator provides us to enjoy right?
Happy days to you my friend.

Romantik Seelchen said...

lieber Rick, schön dein Blick für die einfachen Dinge in der Natur, es müssen nicht immer Rosen sein,in lieben Gedanken Jasmin...

becky said...

I'm having my morning coffee on my day off & catching up on your blog, photography & trip. What a beautiful sunset to end your vacation... and it looks like an amazing spot to view it from!

Julia said...

What another gorgeous sunset!!! Glad to see you back!

Rick said...

@chasity - thanks Chasity. There are certain areas where clusters of these asters and other fall wildflowers seem to flourish - I shall seek them out when the weather permits (raining this pm and all day tomorrow).

Rick said...

@Barefoot from Heaven - He sure does Dag ! That's why He reminds us not to worry about tomorrow.

I hope your week is going very well !

Teté M. Jorge said...


Full of feeling...

Kisses with love.

Rick said...

@jasmin - thank you Jasmin - there are so many wonderful things in nature, and all we have to do is look with our eyes open !

Rick said...

@becky - thanks Becky - I'm happy to share it and to hear you're enjoying it. This is the spot where we had breakfast every day except 1. We also sat here a few evenings when we made it 'home' while there was still some light - it overlooked olive groves and the hills in the distance, facing west.

Rick said...

@Julia - thanks Julia ! We're looking to forward to seeing you soon !

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Both pictures show God's creative touch.

Scott Law said...

Kind of sad in a way as I think of you on the balcony of your villa on the last day of your vacation getting a shot of your last sunset in Rhodes. I'm just glad it was such a beautiful sunset so you could share it with us.

Lisa said...

Stunning Aster and your Sunset is beautiful beyond words. Gods paint brush and you caught a glimps of what he can do.
Have a great night.

Rick said...

@teca - thank you teca.

Os beijos e abraça de mim !

Rick said...

@Ruth's Photo Blog - yes, I think our role in capturing this is fairly minor. The marvel of the technology is that we get to enjoy the beauty long after the moment is gone.

My prayer for you is "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow ...". I'm sure you recognize the hymn.

Rick said...

@Scott - it was a bittersweet moment in some ways - our last evening and last sunset on Rhodes, but a journey back home to family and friends (cyber included) with memories for a lifetime !

Rick said...

@Lisa - thanks Lisa - I just performed the 'point and shoot' of a little part of His creation.

Hope your harvest is going well !

Cat said...

You're right, God reveals Himself in a multitude of ways but He seems to be clearly majestic in that sunset! Beautiful! ~Cat

The PostMan said...

Hi Rick,

Your'e photo's are breath taking, You have such a good eye for prestine beauty captured in every pic. Keep it up :)

The Postman

Rick said...

@The Whimsical Gardener - He painted, I just pulled the trigger to capture and share it. Thanks for dropping by.

Rick said...

@The PostMan - thank you ! I appreciate your kind words.