Thursday, September 30, 2010

(Day 273) Built for work, not comfort

Fall is definitely here, and that's what the rain did all day, with increasing intensity ! The little drainage ditch that is normally dry, became a navigable waterway by this afternoon. for canoes at least. My camera was confined to indoors - outdoors was rather bleak anyway. I decided to go to the large garage and make a few photos of my all-season 'beast of burden'.

It's a David Brown, circa 1965, but it runs very well, and served on a real farm in its previous life. Now it's eased into semi-retirement - I use it to cut (notice I didn't say mow) the tall grass that grows beyond our lawn, and in winter time to keep our driveway clear of snow. Tractors have come a long way since this one was built - notice the lack of air conditioning, or even a cab, and also the lack of upholstery. I have to confess that I recycled an old sofa cushion to act as a shock absorber on that bare metal seat - we all have our limits.

(10-22mm  f4  1/3 sec  ISO400)


darlin said...

Wow, I LOVE this old tractor... I think that Herb's passion of old tractors, cars, trucks, etc. has worn off on me! Good plan to cushion your ride, I'm sure that you wouldn't sit for a while if you spent a few hours on this seat over plenty of rough terrain! :-) Awesome photo and great choice of B&W.

Dagmar said...

Hi there Rick, love big stuff you can drive.
My golden dream is to drive a big huge truck (with trailer) and park it on a parkinglot backwords....maybe one day.
But if I would visit you a tractor would do well too. Enjoy your oldy.

Oh ps and about my steady hand with the church pics...I did lay down on the ground and could place my arms on the floor....imagine how bend crooked I must have layed. ;-)))

Unknown said...

Cool close-up of a tractor!

I can only see a tin bucket - LOL



Scott Law said...

I think a lot of old farmers have bad backs from these old babies. Nice shot and I think the B&W works well on this subject.

Lisa said...

Nice shot. We have a few in this area but most are just left or in places where people cant see for keepsakes. Nice Rick.

Rick said...

@darlin - thanks Darlene ! There's something to be said for an old piece of equipment that still works well (kinda like a person, eh !). Ever since I was a kid I had wanted a big tractor - this property gave me an excuse for getting one ;-) I quickly realized the necessity of a cushion though !

Rick said...

@Barefoot from Heaven - if you're ever in the neighbourhood you can certainly take it for a spin ! As for the big truck, once you master parking it backwards in a parking lot, you should then back it down one of those narrow streets in any town in Holland - now THERE's a challenge ! Keep the dream alive ;-)

Too bad there's not a photo of you lying down under a pew in church ! ;-)

Good weekend Dag !

Rick said...

@CarreraCaballo - well, that's what they USED to call a seat ! ;-) I can't imagine sitting on just that for a full day of plowing - ouch !

Unknown said...

Back in 1965, Farmers were HARDCORE :-D



Rick said...

@Scott - I think you're right Scott - the word 'ergonomics' wasn't in vogue with farmers then.

Rick said...

@Lisa - thanks Lisa; too bad they're just rusting away.

Rick said...

@CarreraCaballo - yes, they've become 'softies' ;-)

darlin said...

LOL Joseph, real hard asses, opps I meant hard core!

Rick, boys and toys! ;-)

Katherine said...

Oh a tractor of the same vintage as myself. Maybe a little old but still does the job. Great B&W of the old girl!!

Rick said...

@darlin - LOL !!

Rick said...

@Katherine - so you're still a young pup then !!

Thanks Katherine. Hope your weekend went very well !

Unknown said...

What a fun shot; tractors are so neat and interesting!