Saturday Oct. 2, 2010
I was unable to post an entry yesterday since we had to travel 450km/280mi to the wedding of the daughter of good friends. The weather started out beautifully when we left home but got progressively uglier as we neared our destination. Low-lying clouds scudded seemingly right over the tree tops, dampening the ground but not the spirits of the wedding party or the guests.
The ceremony itself was conducted in this beautiful building - the Grace Anglican Church, built in 1856, although the congregation has a 180-year history. I managed to make this photo before too many of the guests had arrived.
(10-22mm f8 1/3 sec ISO800)
What a magnificent beautiful!
['ô ] Avery
what a setting for a wedding ...
@Katherine - yes, it was and somewhat of a contrast with the ones we saw in Rhodes - they're very much more ornate.
@Photog Ave - thank you Avery !
@S. Etole - yes, awe-inspiring, and they don't build them like this any more.
WOW! Now that's an amazing place to get married. That's awesome that the weather didn't dampen the day for all involved, a marriage is such a joyous occasion.
Exquisite photo Rick!
I like the motion in the picture :-)
lieber Rick, es ist ein heiliger Ort, ein stiller Ort, es strahlt viel Ruhe aus dein Foto,liebe Grüße von Jasmin...
Adore the angle!
Good shot mate.
@darlin - it was a beautiful church and I'm glad I got a shot of it. I think everyone at the wedding was oblivious to the weather and simply celebrated !
@CarreraCaballo - ha ha, hope you didn't get motion sickness ! ;-)
@jasmin - yes, it was certainly a solemn and holy place, although there was much happiness too ! Thank you jasmin - auch viele Grüße !
@M. Hassan - thank you M !
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