Tuesday, November 23, 2010

(Day 327) Put up yer dukes

Or, put up at least one !

I have no idea what kind of crab this fierce-looking specimen is (I'm sure one of the Florida-resident bloggers will let us know). We found him/her along with a few buddies near the shore of one of the many inlets of the Caloosahatchee River (what a cool name !) when we were out for a walk this morning. Every few seconds they'd raise their big claw in the air and snap at some imaginary (?) thing. Either that or they were spoiling for a fight.

(70-200mm  f11  1/100 sec  ISO200)

click on photo for a larger view
(18-55mm  f11  1/250 sec  ISO200)

looking at the inlet; the crab was found to the right of the walkway


Dawn said...

That is one mean and crazy looking crab! Hope you weren't wearing sandals;))

Are you SURE you want to come back north??? It is -35 tonight with the wind:(

Oh please bring back your sunshine and those trees!!! (But none of the wildlife please;)

darlin said...

Yummm, look at those legs! I'd have to get past looking at the rest of this crab though if I were to eat it's legs, they are edible are they not?

Dawn is making me cold, or the cold weather is making me cold, time to grab a housecoat or quilt to bundle up in I think.

Awesome photos Rick, interesting "wildlife" and love the walkway. I'll dream of walking across that tonight, straight into the sunshine!

Scott Law said...

Last time I was in Florida we saw hundreds of these little guys. If I remember correctly, their shell was about the size of a mans thumbnail or smaller and that one big claw was hardly big enough to pinch your little finger. Is that right, or are they more what Darlin is hoping for? Anyway, I love the shot.

marty said...

Poor crab lost in the human world !it's cute but I would not have a finger in his big claw !! Why has he only one so big ???
wish you lovely sunny hours !!! bisous coming with the wind !!

Leovi said...

I love this game lines, shadow and light in perspective., Very nice. Greetings.

Soraia said...

I like your photos :D

Michelle said...

Mean looking dude!

Anonymous said...

LoL! He's a cuuutie! =)

Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family & GOD BLESS!

Carolyn Ford said...

Oh wow! Those are VERY serious dukes! But, what a gorgeous shot. I think you had better establish a friendship with this guy!

imac said...

Guess the crab was giving a warning?
but love that bridge - walkway, love the lines Rick.

Unknown said...

Rick, just face it - He or she was simply provoking you :-D



Alexander DeLarge said...

Disgusting crab... I hate crabs, they are too... viscous. And I also think that 'Caloosahatchee' is a cool name, although I spent like a minutre trying to imagine how the heck you pronounce that.


PS: Great composition on the second one.

Rick said...

Dawn - if it wasn't for Christmas ...

Darlene - you'd have to get a bunch of these together to make a meal (I don't do crabs ...)

Scott - no, these were about 2-3" across and I think that claw could hang on to you pretty good.

Marty - not sure why they have only 1 - maybe a 2nd would get in the way (?). Bisous clawing their way over to you ;-)

Leovi - thank you; I really liked how those shadows and fence lines framed everything

Soraia - thank you for your visit and following !

Farmchick - sure was; I didn't tangle with him !

Tricia - hmmm; hope your Thanksgiving was a wonderful one.

Carolyn Ford - we left on the best of terms ! ;-)

imac - thanks mac; I think you're right - so I stayed back !

CarreraCaballo - could be, but I kept my cool ;-)

Alex - thank you; I had to practise for 5 minutes to get the pronunciation correct !

Anonymous said...

Fiddler crab!!
The lines are great in the second shot.

Rick said...

Avery - thanks for solving the mystery; I wonder why only 1 large claw though.