Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reflecting on spring

The reality of spring in Canada set in today. While we experienced 22C/72F yesterday, high winds blew in a cold front and we awoke to 2C/36F this morning - but the change is not unusual for this time of year. Late this afternoon we got a fire roaring in the wood stove - something that had crossed my mind last week as we basked in Florida's heat.

But I was able to get dirt under my fingernails today since the weeds were already making headway. Here and there are little signs of spring's return - besides weeds - as some of the early perennials poke their shoots above ground. I cleaned last fall's detritus from the ponds and fired up the pumps yesterday. I noticed several huge bullfrogs that obviously survived the winter quite well, and also some tadpoles (aka pollywogs). Life is quickly returning after the deep freeze.

(18-55mm  f14  1/20 sec  ISO200)


Lisa said...

Rich its beautiful. We have lots of water laying around here in Alberta. Ya for spring.

darlin said...

Rick this is one of your most stunning shots I have seen yet and I've seen plenty of your photos! One question, where is the Billy Goats Gruff? :-) Welcome home and welcome back to the crazy making weather!

ju-north said...

A great image! the weather is keeping you on your toes!

Romantik Seelchen said...

ja, etwas Wärme und es beginnt das Leben im Teich, auf der Wiese, die Bäume blühen hier in Deutschland, die Kirschblüten werden von den Bienen besucht, man kann schöne Fotos machen,
die Arbeit am Teich ist gut, ist das der Teich? das Foto,
herzliche Grüße Jasmin

Marty said...

content d'être back home au Canada ???
quel joli petit pont avec ce magnifique
reflet dans l'eau !
peut-être qu'il fait plus chaud chez moi
que chez toi, alors je t'envoie des warm
bisous de France !

magda said...

Of the documentaries I see on TV, Canada is a wonderful place with amazing nature!!!
Never mind that the spring will take a while ....

Katherine said...

Hey there Rick ... sorry I've not been by in while, life has been absolutley hectic. This is such a beautiful picture ... bridges are so wonderful to capture & this one is just so picturesque with the still water reflection. :) Hope all is well in your world!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful scene.All the work that spring brings,has also returned,but it will be worth it when we see the flowers of summer.

Tammy said...

Nice reflection! All that work in Spring pays off in summer :)

Cicero Sings said...

Oh, I LIKE that picture!

Soraia said...

I love this one :D

Sorry, I didn't remember that. I put the translation there if you want to read. If you read tell me if it has mistakes.

Cat said...

Magical shot Rick! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog during your slow internet issues - I appreciate your dedication ;)

Rick said...

Thank you Lisa. Water beats snow, doesn't it !

Thanks Darlene ! LOL - Billy Goat Gruff took care of the troll and was on his way to Virginia where they already have nice green spring grass ;-) Nice to be back, despite the weather (and internet issues).

Thanks Julia ! You're right - on my toes vs on my back in the pool ;-)

Hi Jasmin - yes there's life in the pond - most of the fish survived, but it's not quite warm enough yet for flowers and trees to get going. Soon though, I hope). Viele herzliche Grüße !

Rick said...

Ah, merci Marty for your warm bisous - much needed ;-) Nice to be back - very different from the last few months. I built this bridge with some help from my son - nice place to sit and swing your feet while looking at water lilies, bullfrogs, fish ... If it's too chaud for you, I send some cool bisous ;-)

Yes Magda - it has such a large variety of landscapes across a vast expanse - you can see almost anything you cam imagine and it is beautiful ! You must visit some time.

Hi Katherine - thanks for your visit and nice comment. I'll be back to visit you soon. Things are well here and I hope life is getting back to 'normal' down under. Enjoy the rest of your week !

Thank you, Ruth. In a perverse sort of way I enjoy the 'work' spring brings - and the rewards make it worthwhile !

Rick said...

Thank you Tammy - and I hope there's also some payoff in spring yet ;-)

Thank you Cicero !

Thanks Soraia ! I'll be over for a look soon - thanks also for the translation ;-)

Thank you Cat ! It was getting a little lonely not being able to visit. So I open a tab to a blog and let it load while I do something else. It also seems to be a little better after midnight - less traffic I assume; hopefully the tech is here tomorrow, er, later today !

Saz said...

What a beautiful photo! I love it so much. I'd love to have tadpoles and frogs in my garden! I'd be down with the camera constantly, haha.

Rick said...

Thank you, Saz - and I AM down there regularly ! ;-)

Betty Manousos said...

i love the reflections in that photo!

Marty said...

c'est toi qui l'a construit ??? alors je
dis super bravo ! tu aimes vraiment les
ponts !!! moi aussi !
plein de bisous qui traversent les ponts, les
rivières et les océans !!! for you !

Marisa said...

A delightful image of tranquility, an ideal place to enjoy the spring!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

This is so beautiful...what a great reflection!

Rick said...

Thank you, Betty !

Oui, I built that bridge just so we could sit over the pond and swing our legs ! Merci for the traveling bisous ;-) And I return bisous pour toi to last all week !

Thank you, Minu; now we just need warmer weather ;-)

Thanks Jeanne !