Ok, Mr. MacGregor would have chastised me severely for butchering the English language like that - fyi, he was one of my English teachers back in high school. But if you haven't heard of having photographic phun on phridays you need to get over to Scott's blog for a look. I've joined in the phun occasionally, but too often I've phorgotten. But not today - I just went out and looked for opportunities to do something a little different and phun.
(18-55mm f22 1/2 sec ISO100)
fall bustin' out
(18-55mm f36 1.3 sec ISO100)
These are cool photos, how do you do this? In photoshop or some other editing program?
Very nice surrealistic pics ;-)
"Smart-Ass Mode ON"
No editing Darlin . . . Hehehe . . . Longer Exposure and you click while you are zooming in or out (1st Pic)!
2nd Pic . . . You click your shutter while you are moving your camera up or down!
"Smart-Ass Mode OFF" - LOL :-D
speaks of autumn's glory well ...
Fenominal Rick! I really love these. As Chad would say, "These are right up my alley". By the way. Just so you know when I said my photo was voted as one of the two best I was the only person that voted and the other one that was one of the two best was Chad's which was the same tree done slightly differently and the only two members of the NDPES are Chad and I because I made that up on the fly last night as I was making that post.
I loved the effect you've given to these! Different from what you do, sure, but with your expert eye you couldn't possibly fail!
Greetings, Alex.
@darlin - sorry to disappoint but the version of Photoshop I have dates back to early history (gasp, 2002 !) and I never learned to do much with it. I'm still debating which editing program I'll use. some day. Good thing Joseph was still awake to answer your question - he nailed it ! You really need to play with that Rebel !
@CarreraCaballo - thanks Joseph, and also thanks for answering Darlene's question ;-)
@S. Etole - thank you Susan; a different way of looking at it.
@Scott - thank you Scott ! and LOL about the award - I thought it was likely a 'phun' thing given the name - but we can keep it our secret ;-)
@Alexander DeLarge - thank you Alex; it wasn't entirely new for me but I hadn't used the techniques for a while, and I wanted to try it with Fall in mind.
Rick,Scott failed to tell you he came in second place for that preditious award. Like the pictures,I just can't tell which side is up.
Phun phall photos, Rick!
I like dear Rick, like nicely such a direction, of course also sometimes, "the birch "it gives a small connection with me in the rose miracle, come and look sometimes, many greetings und ein schönes Wochenende Jasmin
I love these two photos, very good abstract, with interesting textures and colors.
Mornin' Rick, Glad you're having so much PHun! I like the top one. very ethereal.
The first one reminds me of time travel...like one of those sparkling, light filled time warp worm wholes!! Wonderfully phun!
Very phun! Magic ;)
je les trouve très belles ces deux photos !
les couleurs et l'effet sont magiques !
j'espère que tu passes un beau weekend !
bizoux (phun!!)
Phun good too Rick.
@Chad, joey, jasmin, Leovi, becky, Katherine, Amelia & Mihai-Stefan CHIRCA, marty, imac - I didn't forget about you; got caught up in preparations for the long drive and am only now getting back to responding to older comments. I appreciate your visits and comments, and hope you had phun too !
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