Saturday, January 15, 2011


A funny thing happened on the way to the waterfront late this afternoon, where I had hoped to go make some sunset photos. A few clouds had moved in a little earlier and I thought they were taking up their positions to create a beautiful sunset. Then, as though a giant hand was put up in the east, the clouds started to pile up above us and it became obvious that there would be no visible sunset. So I didn't go to the waterfront after all and I captured this view of the sky from our backyard. (I brought out the blue somewhat to accentuate the clouds). I'll see how things shape up tomorrow.

(10-22mm  f8.0  1/125 sec  ISO200)


Lisa said...

Beautiful .I love the color of the sky.
Its still snowing here . I cant believe it.

becky said...


Ruth Hiebert said...

Those cloud patterns are lovely.

Rick said...

Thank you Lisa - there were very interesting patterns. Hope the snow ends soon for you.

Thanks Becky; I hope you've found a place now.

Thank you Ruth; have a wonderful Sunday.

Michelle said...

Stunning photograph. I love the accentuated blue.

Unknown said...

Stunningly shot and processed :-)



imac said...

Sometimes we cant capture what we want, and mostly what we do capture instead, turns out to be trule wonderful and it lighten the heart Rick.

S. Etole said...

puffs of cotton in the sky ...

darlin said...

Rick this is an amazing shot, sometimes when we don't get what we're in search of we capture something equally if not much more beautiful. This shot is at par with your sunsets, equally as beautiful! The blues are fantastic, even if you accentuated them. :-) Have a fantastic week!

marty said...

ce bleu est magnifique et les nuages le sont
aussi ! je vois des palmiers et tout ça est
très beau ! je t'envoie plein de bisous sans nuages

Cat said...

It may not be the sunset but it surely didn't disappoint! Cloud formations are so cool to photograph and yours is exceptional.

Teté M. Jorge said...

Looks like smoke coming from afar... amazing!

Have a nice week, honey!
Many beijos with love.

Rick said...

Thank you Farmchick !

Thanks Joseph !

Thank you Stewart - reminds me of a song "You can't always get what you want ... "

Yes, Susan - and I traded a sunset for these, but I think it was worth it.

Rick said...

You're absolutely right Darlene - sometimes what we find surprises us. pleasantly. Thank you, and have a good one too.

Ah Marty, those soft bisous are just like nuages; merci and I send les nuages to you avec plenty of bisous !

Thank you very much Cat - a silver lining too since I didn't have to go anywhere to get my shot !

Thanks Teca; muitos beijos com afeto ! Have a great week !

Anonymous said...

Love the color! Such a pretty evening.

Rick said...

Thank you Avery !